Collection: Bar & Lines

Kiteboarders rely on a bar and lines to steer their kite while out on the water. There is a handle called a bar that the rider grips, and there are also lines that run from the bar to the kite. A kiteboarder's ability to steer and modulate the kite's power is dependent on the bar and lines system.

Standard kiteboarding bars have a depower strap, a trim adjustment, and a safety release system. The rider can alter the kite's power output via the depower strap, and the kite's performance can be fine-tuned via the trim adjustment. In the event of an emergency, the rider can easily and quickly detach from the kite using the safety release system.

Lines like Dyneema and Spectra, which have a low stretch and high durability, are commonly used. Usually attached to the bar with a swivel or a pulley system, they are color-coded to indicate the kite's front and back. The kite's power and the rider's degree of command can be modified by adjusting the length of the lines.

You should think about your skill level, the conditions you'll be riding in, and your personal preferences when picking out a kiteboarding bar and lines. Additionally, you must check the bar and lines to make sure they are suitable for your kite and that they are adjusted and used properly to ensure your safety and the kite's optimal performance.

Keep in mind that the bars and lines you use for kiteboarding are a wear and tear item that requires regular inspection and maintenance to ensure they remain in good working order and pose no safety risks to you or your passengers. Accidents and injuries can be avoided by replacing damaged lines and worn out bars as soon as possible.

Kiteboarding requires a kiteboarding bar and lines so the rider can steer and apply pressure to the kite. Picking the right kite for the occasion is crucial.

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